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Why Do 'Big Brother' Fans Think Julie Chen Is Pregnant?

Published Wed Sep 11 2019 By Travis
Why Do 'Big Brother' Fans Think Julie Chen Is Pregnant?

Another day and another time, people from the outside looking in talking about the appearance of a media personality, especially female personalities and spreading pregnancy rumors. People got nothing better to do than just make stuff up and try and make something out of nothing. This is one such moment where due to the wardrobe choices of the celebrity people are spreading pregnancy rumors about her.

Julie Chen was the recent victim of the internet pregnancy rumor mill where people on the internet were quick to proclaim; Julie was expecting another child. To be clear, she is not pregnant, and she is not expecting any children as far as we know.

Julie Chen
Julie Chen and her appearance on Big Brother 21 caused quite a stir on the internet.

Source: ABC

So, why is it there are people on the internet believe the host of Big Brother is ready to bring another kid into this world?

Julie’s Wardrobe Choice

Julie Chen

For the first episode of the new season of Big Brother which aired the season finale in February and this was the first time, Julie was back on stage with hosting duties. Well, Chen decided to step out in a beautiful light pink lacy one piece which looked perfect on her and also complimented her skin tone perfectly.

The problem with the dress was it was loose-fitting, and the dress hung on her, which was a change in pace when it comes to her wardrobe selection. Most of the time the BB hosted opted to wear a tight-fitting dress which complimented her shape perfectly. Now, since she decided to step out in a loose-fitting dress, people thought it was because she was hiding a pregnancy.

Julie Chen
Julie Chen's dress choice was the cause of pregnancy rumors on the internet.

Source: SoapDirt

As soon as the episode started airing people took to the internet to talk about the dress, most of the fans were complimentary, but some were just looking to stir things up. “This looks like a weird maternity dress. sorry but you usually do much better in the wardrobe department,” one user shared on Twitter.

Whereas another user was respectable but still wondered if she was pregnant, the user wrote, “I ask this with no disrespect as I’m a huge fan... but is Julie Chen pregnant? Look at those clothes in the #BB21 house tour...”

She Is A Mother Of One

Julie and Les with their son

Julie is already a mother of one with her husband Les Moonves, their nine-year-old son was born on 4 October 2009, and when she was pregnant, Julie didn’t hide her pregnancy then so if she was pregnant now then why hide it?

Most people will likely point to her husband as the cause for the shame, but Julie is not ashamed of her husband and what he allegedly did. Leslie Moonves was the head of CBS for a long time when multiple women came out with allegations saying Leslie sexually harassed them and after multiple allegations, he was made to step down as the CEO of CBS and even though multiple women came forward with the allegations, Julie was standing by her husband and her marriage vows to Les.

After six women came forward with accusations of sexual harassment, Julie wrote on Twitter, “I have known my husband, Leslie Moonves, since the late ‘90s, and I have been married to him for almost 14 years. Leslie is a good man and a loving father, devoted husband, and inspiring corporate leader. He has always been a kind, decent and moral human being. I fully support my husband.”

The couple is still battling the sexual harassment allegations together, and at this moment, no one’s confirmed the pregnancy rumors. So, stop spreading false rumors stemming from the appearance of a woman.

Watch: The promo video for Big Brother 21

Big Brother is currently airing on CBS for three days a week, and you can catch up on the show as well as watch the live feed 24/7 on the streaming service CBS All Access.
