Bloody Battle with Tim Miller; James Cameron Made Sure His Vision of Terminator: Dark Fate was Realized

Tim Miller and James Cameron were engaged in a creative war while editing the movie.
James Cameron is not the easiest person to work with; ask anyone who’s ever worked with Cameron, and the only person who will speak in glowing terms about their working experience is Arnold. He is not just a terror on the set; he is also a perfectionist; his vision needs to be followed no matter what, and this is where the conflict between the producer and the director arises.
'Terminator' is James’ baby; he made the classic first movie and one of the greatest action movies of all time with the sequel. Then he left the franchise and pretty much bad-mouthed almost every film released after 'T2' with the exception of 'Genisys.' Paramount brought him back with more power in the production of the movie, and James is making sure he is using every ounce of the power to get the film he wants.

Source: Bleeding Cool
James Cameron talked about the writing and editing process of 'Terminator: Dark Fate' and how he was hands-on with this movie. The director said he was involved in the writing of the film, and even more so when it comes to editing the final cut of the film and the creative battles between the producer and the director was bloody. “The blood is still being scrubbed off the walls,” the director said about the duos creative battles.
The 'Aliens' director also explained why he was so hands-on with the making of the 'Terminator: Dark Fate' when, as he explained, he was lenient when it came to the making of 'Alita.' “My work with Robert on Alita was very different. Robert loved the script, loved everything, said, 'I just want to make this movie,’” James said. “I want to make the movie the way you see it.' I was like, 'No, you got to make it your movie.' I had the reverse experience with Tim, which is Tim wanted to make it his movie. And I'm like, 'Yeah, but I kind of know a little about this world.' So I had the matter and the anti-matter version of that producorial experience."

Source: Movie Web
'Alita' and 'Terminator' are two different animals, and James cares for Terminator more because he helped shaped the earlier movies and the world inhabited by other creator’s work. There is a question to be asked, if he wanted the film to be perfect so much why didn’t he just direct it? But who knows with James Cameron, he edited the movie without even making a single trip to the set, and the finished film is pretty much his baby with Tim Miller’s name plastered on as director.
“It wasn't a slam-dunk at the time. I felt there were a lot of pathways that were taken that were unnecessary. I'm an editor myself, so I gave notes that were both broad and very specific,” Cameron said of the movie and the editing process. “I continued in that process up to about two and a half months ago when we locked picture. I would say my... I never went to the set. I've yet to physically meet the new cast because I never went to the set. But I was very involved in the writing, and I was very involved in the cutting of the film. And to me, the cutting is really an extension of the writing.”
Watch: The trailer for Terminator: Dark Fate from Paramount
So the director of 'Terminator' is not even familiar with the new cast of the movie and was never there on set, but he was still the loudest voice in the room when it comes to the finished product of the film. Imagine being the director and going up against James Cameron; Tim Miller was probably frustrated, and it was why there was blood on the walls being scrapped off after their creative wars.
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