Leah Ramini Reveals Death of Estranged Father

Leah Marie Remini took to Instagram on Sunday to mourn the loss of her estranged father.
Soon as the 49-year-old star shared the snap on her social media account, the comments were filled with mixed emotions hearing the saddening confession of Leah Remini.
The 'Saved by the Bell' star took to her Instagram on Sunday, September 22, and mourned the loss of her estranged father.
The actress expressed her sorrowfulness for not being there during the last moment.
SOURCE: @leahremini Instagram
Alongside the sweet family photo the actress wrote some mesmerizing caption which reads,
On Friday, I received a message from my sister Nicole, who had been contacted by a stranger passing on his condolences for the passing of our father, George Anthony Remini. We had no idea that he had died a month ago.
The caption articulated, the actress being unknown about the fact of her dad's critical medical condition and the news about his demise was a shock which came by the funeral.

Leah Ramini shares she was unfamiliar with the news of his estranged father demise.
SOURCE: IndeWire
The reality star expressed, regardless of her father denial and negligence one day; everything will be alright where she carried a hope to have the daddy and daughter moment she missed during her childhood.
Expressing her compressed feelings on Instagram she added,
I had hoped to one day have some closure. I hoped for him to acknowledge who he had been and what he had done to us as his children. That alone would have been healing in its own way. We never got that, yet I can’t help but grieve. I am angry at myself for crying for someone who didn’t ever cry for me. I am angry that I still wanted this man’s love.
At last, she confessed that the little girl inside of herself and her sisters will never forgive Scientology for taking away their last chance to have the one thing they always wanted from their father which was to say him “I’m sorry, and I loved you.”
Nevertheless, we express our deepest sympathy to Leah and her family for the loss of their beloved father. May he rest in peace in heaven.
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