Star Wars The Rise of Skywalker - J.J. Abrams Gives His Opinion on the Mixed Reception of the Film

J.J. Abrams addresses the unflattering reception of the final Star Wars movie of the Skywalker saga.
One of the most entitled fan bases in the world belong to the 'Star Wars' franchise, and in most recent years, everyone’s favorite sport is to bash the 'Star Wars' movies. In the midst of the outrage culture where you need to apologize for even breathing, the most outrage is almost always reserved for the newest 'Star Wars' movie.
We just don’t understand where all the hate and outrage is even stored because it is tiering for us just to watch all these fans bend over backward to hate on the franchise. It is probably because the franchise is so big, the best thing people can think of doing is hate on the film. It’s easy to get people to upvote how you are intellectually smarter than the people making the movie, then try and defend something most people went into thinking how much they are going to hate it.

Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker is the final Star Wars movie dealing with the Skywalker clan.
Source: IMDb
But there is also a feeling of belongingness for people who grew up with the series, but just because you grew up watching something doesn’t mean it gives you the right to bash the people working in the new series. There are legitimate concerns about the new series, and we know how most people might be feeling, but the vitriol coming from the fan base and also the critics is just too much.
The head of Disney talked about not letting fans comment distract them, but during the press tour for the movie, the whole thing cannot be ignored. J.J. Abrams was doing press for the film when he fielded questions about the series and the less than flattering comments being made by some people in the media and the fans.

J.J. Abrams directed The Rise of Skywalker and he talked about the mixed reception of the film.
Source: Deadline
When asked about the movie and the mixed bag of reception, J.J. said, “I was asked just seven hours ago in another country, 'So how do you go about pleasing everyone?' I was like 'What…?' Not to say that that's what anyone should try to do anyway, but how would one go about it? Especially with Star Wars.”
The director is correct; in the current climate of outrage culture, the loudest and the most hateful voice gets priority, and there is just no way to please everyone. Just like the one-episode wonder guy from 'Mandalorian' is getting so much press because he hated on the latest installment of the 'Star Wars' franchise, there are thousands of others who want to throw their zingers and get their two seconds of fame.
Watch: The Rise of Skywalker is the No. 1 movie in the world
The director continued on the complexity of making a 'Star Wars' movie, “We knew starting this that any decision we made – a design decision, a musical decision, a narrative decision – would please someone and infuriate someone else. There is an MO of either 'It’s exactly as I see it, or you’re my enemy.'”
J.J. also painfully stated the current standing of the fan culture and the backlash media, “It's a crazy thing that there's such a norm that seems to be void of nuance and compassion – and this is not [a phenomenon] about Star Wars, this is about everything.”

J.J. is happy with the movie he made and is not looking to please everyone.
Source: Stock
The director also defended the choices he made in the film, which were perceived as him course-correcting after The Last Jedi, but J.J. was having none of the notions. He said, “One of the many brilliant things that Rian did in The Last Jedi was give Luke an arc. So at the end of that film, he recommitted to the thing at the very beginning of the film he was rejecting, so the idea that even Luke Skywalker can learn something. I think for a kid to hear Luke Skywalker say I was wrong, I think is a beautiful thing. And I think it's something we could all probably do with, a little bit.”
This is another gripe we’ve got with the people in the Star Wars fan base, they were not accepting of the numerous new path Rian Johnson tried to take his movie, and now J.J. is giving the safe and familiar treatment and a certain level of closure, but this is also not acceptable. So, the old is not acceptable, and the new is hated on, only the Lord knows, during this Christmas time, what 'Star Wars' fans really want.
Watch: The final trailer for Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker; the movie is currently in theatres
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