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What are The Best Ways to Care for Dry Lips?

Published Sun Mar 24 2019 By Chester
What are The Best Ways to Care for Dry Lips?

Dry lips also known as chapped lips is a problem faced by many people. The skin of the lips is very thin and fragile and due to the presence of different moisture in temperatures such as hotness, coldness, and dry air, our lips are prone to dryness and cracking. 

Many think chapped lips only happens in the winter but the truth is unless you don't take good care of your lips, it can go sore and dry at any time of the year.

Are dry lips troubling you? Don't worry we got some solution to the problem. Here are some tips and ways to take care to eliminate dry lips.

5. Drink lots of water

Dry Lips
SOURCE: Grab exclusive

Well, many people ought to think that they are just finely hydrated and avoid drinking water. Dehydration upsets the natural balance of our body causing many problems and damage to our skin.

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Dryness in our lips generally occurs due to dehydration and it is recommended to keep yourself hydrated and carry a water bottle and drink it often. When your lips are dry, a fungal or bacterial infection can sneak into the moist corners of your mouth and aggravate your situation.

4. Use natural remedies

Dry Lips
SOURCE: MacyMarie

There are many nature's products that can help you get rid of dryness in your lips. These are the ones that we recommend for you to use, Aloe vera, Coconut oil, Honey, Cucumber, Green tea and so forth.

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Due to the presence of vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, and anti-inflammatory, these elements help us to eliminate dryness in our lips.

3. Use good lip balms

Lip care
SOURCE: Pinterest

A drying lip balm consists of menthol, camphor, phenol which you should be careful as they also cause dryness. While buying and always look for lip balm consisting of petroleum, lanolin, beeswax, ceramides and avoid scented and flavored lip products. 

2. Follow Healthy Diet Plan:

Protein and Nutrition enriched foods
SOURCE: Medical News Today

A good diet is essential not just for your skin but even for your lips. Vitamins and other nutrients reflect directly on the condition of your lips. It is essential that you stay on a healthy diet to have lovely lips!

1. Don’t lick your lips. 

Licking may seem like a good idea but contrarily it will only make our lip dryer. As our saliva dries or evaporates from the lips, it causes our natural lips moisture to evaporate leaving more cracks and dryness. 

Don't lick your lips
SOURCE: Style Chambers

Saliva contains key components of the digestive system such as enzymes for breaking down food, so the overabundance of saliva can also cause the cracks on the lips.

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Additionally, eat lots of Nutrition rich foods to find effective result and good skin conditions.
