Jay Smith Remarkably Claims Ashley Deserved To Be Cheated On!

Jay accuses Ashley of cheating and it almost feels as though he is saying she deserved to be cheated on.
Jay Smith and Ashley Martson were in love and made after connecting over the internet; both of them realized they are in love. So, the next obvious step is marriage, but sometimes two people are better off separate than together. That was the case here as the couple got married in April 2018 and it seems after multiple cheating scandals; the two are calling it quits.

After getting married, Ashley found out Jay was using Tinder, and then multiple cases of his cheating on her surfaced both of them are getting a divorce.
Ashley brandished Jay’s infidelity all over the social media sites, but Jay always said he wasn’t the only person to blame in their marriage. What did he mean by that? Why would a guy who was caught cheating say something like that?
Well, he came to air out some grievances and to tell his side of the story in a Tell All special, but things got off to a rocky start.
The Tell All was filled with guest as multiple people came to see what Jay was insinuating for so many months. There were family, Larissa’s boyfriend and Jay’s friends who sent him over the edge.
The two guys who were teleconferencing into the show are the owner of the barbershop where Jay hooked up with a girl in the bathroom. Both of the guys laid into Jay saying he is too immature to be monogamous. It was the thing which sent Jay over the edge as he stormed off the show.
Jay wasn’t left alone though, as he was followed by the show’s camera, and finally, they managed to get him seated, and he said his piece to the camera following him. Jay said, “Kendall messaged Ashley behind my back, and I confronted him about it.”
The producers finally managed to get Jay back to the stage where he continued to make some serious accusations. He said Ashley messaged multiple exes right in front of him, but Ashley countered by saying she was just messaging her exes after both of them were separated.
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It was a new development to the story, but then Jay made the bombshell accusation after he said he found out about her cheating when he checked her phone.

All of these excuses seem to be a way for Jay to rationalize his cheating and it almost feels like he is saying Ashley deserves to be cheated on.
Ashley talked earlier about how Jay behaved after being caught cheating; she said, “He looked at me right in my face and said: 'Why can't you just leave me alone and let me be happy? She's my age.” By the point, Jay revealed he checked her phone, was the final straw for Ashley as she got up to leave and asked the producers to remove her mic.
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Messaging exes is never a nice thing, but this is becoming a 'he said she said' case as we cannot figure out who is telling the truth.
If she is messaging her exes after separating with her husband, then we cannot fault her for doing that, and it is also understandable after catching her husband cheating on her multiple times.
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No matter what the case, the couple is separated, and we are glad they are away from each other. Control issues, alleged physical violence, and cheating are never a way for two people to live together. Like we said before sometimes people are better off away from each other than together.