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Unveiling the Life of Rosemeri dos Reis Cholbi: Pelé's Ex-Wife

Published Thu Dec 28 2023 By Bsgurung
Unveiling the Life of Rosemeri dos Reis Cholbi: Pelé's Ex-Wife

Rosemeri dos Reis Cholbi was Pelé's first wife, married in the late 1960s. Despite an initially happy union, Pelé's inability to remain faithful led to their separation. Rosemeri's current whereabouts and details of her life are shrouded in mystery, maintaining her privacy. 

Her role in Pelé's story serves as a reminder that even legendary figures like Pelé can have intricate and challenging personal lives, reflecting the complexities behind the public image of celebrated individuals.

Rosemeri Dos Reis Cholbi Was Previously Married to Pele

Pelé and Rosemeri dos Reis Cholbi married in 1966 in Brazil, having three children together. However, Pelé admitted to infidelity, attributing it to his youth and extensive travels for commercial deals. 

Rosemeri Dos Reis Cholbi wedding
Image: Rosemeri Dos Reis Cholbi with her ex-husband, Pele during the wedding. Source: Pinterest

Despite acknowledging affairs and fathering children outside the marriage, Pelé claimed Rosemeri was aware. Their relationship lacked passionate love, characterized more by friendship. Pelé moved to New York with their children after the split, while Rosemeri ended the marriage in 1982. 

The complexities of their union, marked by Pelé's public admission of infidelity and Rosemeri's eventual decision to part ways, highlight the challenges within their personal lives.

How Many Kids Does Rosemeri Dos Reis Cholbi Have? 

Pelé and Rosemeri dos Reis Cholbi were blessed with three children. Their eldest, Edson, was born in 1970, followed by a daughter named Kelly Cristina Nascimento as their second child. 

The youngest, Jennifer, arrived in 1978. These children, now grown, are actively pursuing their respective careers, marking the continuation of Pelé and Rosemeri's family legacy.

Ex-Husband, Pele Other Relationships

Between 1981 and 1986, Pelé was romantically involved with TV presenter Xuxa, starting when she was 17. In April 1994, he married psychologist Assíria Lemos Seixas, and they had twins, Joshua and Celeste, through fertility treatments. 

They divorced in 2008. Pelé had two more children from affairs, including Sandra Machado, born in 1964 from a relationship with a housemaid. 

Pelé initially contested paternity, but a court-ordered DNA test confirmed their relationship. Sandra died in 2006. At 73, Pelé married Marcia Aoki in 2016, his partner since 2010, marking another chapter in the football legend's complex romantic history.

Had A Great Bond With Pele

In the Netflix documentary about Pelé, he revealed his first serious relationship with Rose (Rosemeri) in Santos. Initially shy, he befriended her father using various tricks, even offering to shine his shoes. 

Pelé kept their relationship private to avoid public scrutiny. When ready to settle down, he married Rose, admitting he was too young. Their union lacked the passionate love of a couple madly in love. 

Despite Pelé's dedication to football, Rose noted in an interview that he effectively balanced time between the sport and family, creating a harmonious dynamic in their relationship.

Ex-husband, Pele Was a Legendary Football Star

Edson Arantes do Nascimento, universally known as Pelé, stands as an icon in the world of football, recognized for his unparalleled skill and prolific goal-scoring prowess. 

Born on October 23, 1940, in Três Corações, Brazil, Pelé emerged as a football prodigy, captivating the global audience with his dazzling performances. Renowned for his remarkable speed, agility, and goal-scoring acumen, he led Brazil to three World Cup victories (1958, 1962, 1970). 

Beyond the pitch, Pelé's personal life adds layers to his legend, marked by triumphs and controversies. A symbol of football excellence, Pelé's legacy transcends generations, leaving an indelible mark on the beautiful game.

Death of Pele 

In 2021, football legend Pelé faced a diagnosis of colon cancer, undergoing surgery and subsequent chemotherapy. By November 2022, complications arose, leading to his admission to a São Paulo hospital for a respiratory infection and COVID-19.

Pele died in 2022
Image: Legendary footballer, Pele showing the World Cup. Source: Goal

Transitioning to palliative care in December, Pelé succumbed to multiple organ failure on December 29, 2022, at 82. His death, attributed to kidney failure, heart failure, bronchopneumonia, and colon adenocarcinoma, prompted global mourning. 

FIFA President Gianni Infantino hailed Pelé as the greatest footballer ever. Tributes poured in from Neymar, Ronaldo, Mbappé, Messi, world leaders, and stadiums worldwide. His funeral, marked by public display and draped flags, drew thousands of grieving fans in Santos.

Is Rosemeri Dos Reis Cholbi Still Alive? 

Rosemeri Dos Reis Cholbi, Pelé's first wife, has largely remained out of the public eye since her separation from the football legend. Following Pelé's death, it was confirmed that Rosemeri was alive and residing in Brazil.

 Despite her significant role in Pelé's life as one of his three wives, she is not widely recognized. At 80, her life details, including upbringing and family history, remain elusive. Married during the late 1960s, their union faced controversy. 

Rosemeri has successfully maintained a low profile, leaving people curious about her life beyond her famous husband and highlighting the private aspects of her existence.

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