You Can Now Buy 'Scented Flatulence Pills' That Make Your Farts Smell Like Roses

New Scented Flatulence Pills are available in the market that make your farts smell like roses.
A French man recently came through with the claim that he invented a pill which can modify the smell of your farts.
The days when we broke the wind and they smelt of egg or some other rotten substance are way past us. The recent innovative product shall make your gas smell like a range of aromas from chocolate to violet.

All thanks to Christian Poincheval, you can even make your fart smell like actual roses.
The bizarre product is the brain child of the Frenchman and is called 'PilulePet'. As a matter of fact, he came up with the game changing idea for the pills one fine day following a particularly foul smelling meal. To add up, his dinner guests just couldn't endure the odors he was emitting. Talk about odd inspirations!
He maintained,
"We were at a table with friends after a copious meal when we nearly asphyxiated ourselves with our smelly farts. That gas wasn't great for our table neighbours, so something had to be done about this."
After sitting through the obnoxious dinner setting his company, Lutin Malin (Cunning Imp) came into being.
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The innovative genius commenced the development phase of the pills back in 2007 and now sells a range of different pills with varied scents.
The pills claimed to be totally organic is just a "dietary supplement based on natural ingredients".
The website selling the pills maintains,
"The fart pill is the result of lengthy research and trials and is on sale since 2007. Our fragrant variants also add a touch of humour for any occasion. Our numerous returning customers are no doubt the best proof."
The pills, which is scented in a wide plethora of flavors including Christmas chocolate, May Day lily, St Valentine's ginger, violet and rose, priced at £17 per bottle.