4lung Controversy: Here's What We Know So Far, It's Still Hazy Though!

Disclaimer: We will try to cover this article by being as unbiased as possible; however, some points may hurt the feelings of some groups. People with faint hearts are advised to leave here.
For people looking to dig further into the 4lung Controversy, the topic is still hazy; it comes from people accusing Hushy of being a "pedophilia." We will cover the story only ostensibly and leave everything for you to decide.
But before we dive into the topic, here's what you should know about 4lung. 4lung, also known as Hushy, is a self-taught music composer who dropped out of school and dabbled in many musical genres. Currently, the musician is widely known for her "breakcore" genre of music.
Four long, as seen from her several unverified biographies, she had a rough childhood. She was clinically diagnosed with ADHD, the musician was born with a club foot and wore a corrective brace for a fair share of her life 4lung was also diagnosed with ideational Dyspraxia.
Well, things didn't stop for her there; according to some sources, Hushy was also a victim of consistent delusions. Despite the problems she faced, it was hard to bring her down with mean comments. (As stated by some of her fans.)
Since we are talking about her fans, this brings us to our topic of the day, "4Lung Controversy." What exactly is the 4lung Controversy, and how it all started? Here's what we know so far.
4lung Controversy: How It All Started?
As the title suggests, it's a controversy, and just to be honest, we haven't gone to the depth of the subject and only shared what happened back then and why this '4lung controversy' is making the rounds on the internet.
In 2017, 4lung, aka Hushy, was under fire for "following pedophiles" on her SoundCloud. After the incident, Hushy became a controversial figure. But the twist was the people were divided in their views.

She is the one! 4lung Controversy, 4lung drama, everything leads to her.
Photo Source: Agency/GF
4lung is a trans woman; following the Controversy, the LGBTQ community supported her, while people were not all too happy about queer community's action to back her for what she did.
One of the members of the LGBTQ community, Chrisinthe Abyss, on her blog, defended 4lung's action on her social media (link).
The blogger, in her post, wrote,
"fourlung went from just having a fetish to associating with and defending known pedophiles. This is alarming, and the safest action is to disavow her. insofar as an LGBTQ community exists, we must center it around the safety, comfort, and nurturing of LGBT children; this means vocally disavowing and materially preventing normalization of pedophilia."

Photo Source: Agency/GF
Well, Chrisinthe made their point clear that they do not support anything related to pedophilia. Still, their point was the 4lung Controversy was nothing but propaganda by transmisogynist people to vilify trans women and has nothing to do with "protecting children."
Abyss wrote,
"We put trans artists on pedestals because there are so few. please do not forget that any trans artist you know is just as messy and traumatized as you and cannot be a tidy role model exile for a trans artist disproportionately means death. this has always been true regardless of this situation. materially, trans artists cannot find success outside of internet communities, and trans women cannot find jobs in society. please always keep in mind how fragile existence is for all of us."
But, people were not at all happy with this statement. One of the Twitter users put forward their views on why it's terrible to defend or support 4lung. In their tweet, they wrote,
"People responding to the 4lung shit saying it's transmisogynistic that people are talking about this because she's trans can go straight to hell. how dare you send a message to your underage trans girl followers that uncritical solidarity is more important than their safety. f*ck you."
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You can check the whole thread by the user here (link), and much made his idea clear why it's not against the trans community but was pointing out a severe issue.
The whole controversy thing subsided after a few months, but recently, it was brought back again, when one of 4lung's song, Puppy Lasagna, was featured on TikTok.
4lung's "Puppy Lasagna" Song Brought Back the 4Lung Controversy
People came to know who 4lung is, but the controversial thing was pretty hazy for them as there is hardly any information on the internet. However, we were able to find a few details, and by now, you also know them.
Hushy was pretty much out of the music scene following the pedophile controversy. But recently, the whole thing started again when one of the TikTok users featured her song on the short video-making platform.
4lung's Puppy Lasagna is a 2018 song (link) that was recently featured on one of the TikTok users' profiles, following which people were furious. There are thousands of netizens protesting the action in their way.
One of the Twitter users wrote,
"Why is there a 4lung audio on TikTok and why are people willingly using it knowing 4lung is a pedo... 'I don't support 4lung, but I love this song!!!.' B*tch she is just saying puppy lasagna for 15 seconds straight you can easily just find a new song to lip-sync to."
The same user further added,
"I UNDERSTAND separating artists from their music and shit, but I don't know, I just think it's different when it comes to literal pedophiles...it just doesn't sit right with me."
That's what we know so far, and anything beyond this is a matter to be investigated by the proper authorities. People on the internet are claiming something horrific, what if it turns out wrong, or right? It's scary both ways.
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