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Best Ways To Look Better in Photo

Published Sun Dec 30 2018 By Karly
Best Ways To Look Better in Photo

In today’s social media obsessed world, it’s safe to say that understanding how to be photogenic is of utmost significance. Nowadays, the number of people using social media is increasing day by day which is raising their eagerness to upload even more.

Getting caught looking terrible in photos can be a tad traumatizing. It’s enough to make us wonder exactly how some people manage to look so damn great all of the time. Taking a great pic is a fine art. It’s a lot harder than it looks to make sure your in-the-flesh beauty turns on the camera.

Learning how to take the perfect photograph or selfie is usually tougher than people generally believe. However, it is a skill that you can totally understand. Here are a few of our favorite tips that you may prefer.

Tip 1: Show The Left Side Of Your Face

SOURCE: Who What Wear

Most people know their great side but according to fashion photographer Garance Dore and a scientific study, usually, the left side of the face is more photogenic. You can change your photographic style with this method. 

Tip 2: Never Stand The Closest To The Camera In A Group Shot

SOURCE: Who What Wear

One of the best ways to look better in the photo is not to stand the closest to the camera, or you will look disproportionately larger. Instead, position yourself on an even plane with the other people in the photo.

Tip 3: Take Seated Photos From A Higher Angle

SOURCE: Who What Wear

When you become ready to take a photo, ask the photographer to take the picture from above, and turn your face up to meet the camera, which will help define your jaw. According to Garance Dore, a shot from above is a godsend.

Tip 4: Tilt Your Face Slightly

SOURCE: Who What Wear

Another way to make your photo stunning is to turn your head slightly. This is more flattering than facing the camera straight-on because it will give your features more depth.

Tip 5: Put Your Tongue Behind Your Teeth

SOURCE: Who What Wear

Keep your tongue behind your teeth when smiling which will assist you to avoid a too-wide grin. Just remember to smile with your eyes so you don’t look unhappy.

Tip 6: Say Money

SOURCE: Who What Wear

The hard “e” sound at the end of “money” makes the edges of your mouth go up and your eyes crinkle, creating the pose of a genuine smile. So, it is better to say money rather than Cheese while taking photographs.

Tip 7: Relax

SOURCE: Who What Wear

While taking photographs you should be relaxed. Firstly, take a deep breath and close your eyes slowly. Then while clicking gently open eyes with a little smile. Which surely makes you great on camera.

There are so many ways to look stunning while taking selfies or photographs. Among all those, above-mentioned methods can surely make you friendly with the camera.
