Did You Notice Dany's Major Hair Mistake In ‘Game Of Thrones’?
There is something odd with Dany's braids in 'Game Of Thrones' season 8.
During the premiere of HBO's Game of Thrones season 8 on April 14, fans were quick to notice some minor change in the episode.
The small change of Daenerys' hair is now bringing controversies among GoT fans and followers leaving with predictions like her braids may have some hidden meanings. Interestingly the first episode of the final season just made the subject of "Mother of Dragons" braids more confusing.
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When Danny arrives at Winterfell with John Snow, her hair seemed to change rather dramatically without showing us any reason for it.
Despite all the fact, the change in her hairstyle simply can just be a simple mistake by the production house. Fans have been wondering whether the new bunned dread is an accidental spoiler or an indication for more battles to be won for John Snow and Dany.
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Well, this is not it as there are other few details you missed from the season 8 premiere, check it out below.
Well, for now, let's wait until the next episode to witness what Dany's hair looks like in Winterfall.