Donald Trump Ditches Handshakes and Opts For Namaste Instead
Coronavirus, aka Covid-19, is causing panic all over the world. In these times of chaos, everybody all around the planet is taking precautions, and the US President Donald Trump is joining in too!
The coronavirus sweeping across the world, which is a pandemic now, the World Health Organization declared recently. The virus is rapidly spreading across the globe; there are large outbreaks of the virus in Italy, South Korea, and the United States.
Is Donald Trump cautious of COVID-19?
Source: Washington Post
The recent news was reported that actor Tom Hanks was tested positive for the virus; in such cases, people are more cautious about their surroundings. President of United States Mr. Donald Trump is also taking precautions.
Donald Trump Ditches Handshakes opting For Namaste Instead
Since COVID-19 is such a burning issue in the present scenario, to reduce the risk of coming in contact with respiratory droplets, people now opt to greet friends and acquaintances with a namaste.
A recent example of the same was seen when the Royal family of the UK also opted for the same.
'Namaste' is an appropriate way to maintain a distance of at least a meter and shower someone with one's innermost feelings. Hence, a Namaste can never cause a contagion, whereas the English greetings or Muslim embracing can.
Trump with the Irish Prime Minister
Source: Daily Mail
President Trump recently met the Irish Prime Minister Leo Varadkar, who greeted one other in the traditional Indian way of "namaste" and bowed to each other at the Oval Office on Thursday while saying they can't afford to shake hands amid coronavirus outbreak.
You might also like: French President Emmanuel Macron Greets Spain's King Felipe VI and Queen Letizia With Namaste
The political leaders being a responsible figure for the whole country it is integral for them to maintain good health. Regardless of the COVID-19 breakout, the leaders of different countries are working and investing in finding a cure for the virus.
Prince Charles greeting the celebrities with a Namastey
Source: Evening Standard
Amid the spread of coronavirus got people very paranoid about regular things in life—even the Royal family of the United Kingdom. Prince Charles was seen greeting people with a 'Namaste' at the annual Prince's Trust Awards on March 11 at the London Palladium went viral on social media, leaving netizens impressed.
Ever since WHO declared COVID-19 to be a pandemic, the whole world is in fear. The countries around the world who hold the most significant portion of the economy are in lockdown, hinting that the virus is a serious matter.
Watch: Prince Charles greet people with Namastey
Even the world leaders are cautious about the spreading of the virus. Actor Tom Hanks got it, Sophie Grégoire Trudeau, the wife of Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau, tested positive for the novel coronavirus.
The virus is officially an epidemic after the 2009 swine-flu, and we must be cautious about it. Trump president using 'namaste' as a symbol to greet is a sensible way to deal with the problem.
Also read: Netflix Shuts Down LA Office Following Positive Coronavirus Case
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