Dwayne Johnson Claims Black Adam Is As Strong As Superman

Dwayne Johnson says Black Adam is as strong as Superman.
It’s been almost five entire years since Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson was pitched in for playing 'Black Adam' in the DC Extended Universe, but following the success of 'Shazam!,' it looks like the Black Adam movie is finally getting some significant momentum.
Johnson has as often as possible discussed why he’s excited to play the Kahndaqian anti-hero, and one of the reasons is because Black Adam and 'Superman' have comparative abilities. In Johnson's sayings:
"Black Adam has the same powers as Superman. Think about that. That's why it's so cool and exciting."

With respect to super strength, durability, and levitation, Dwayne Johnson is right that Superman and Black Adam are on generally equal footing. However, as opposed to what Johnson said during his conversation with MTV, Superman and Black Adam do not have all the similar powers. Truth to be told, if you look at what Black Adam is capable of in overall, he’s actually dominant than Superman.
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Like other Kryptonians, Superman’s powers originate from Earth’s sun, enabling him with abilities like x-ray vision, heat vision, and super breath. Black Adam, on the other hand, is magically propelled, just like his arch-nemesis Shazam.
And while Black Adam can’t shoot lasers out of his eyes or freeze things by blowing on them, because magic is one of Superman’s main shortcomings, that means Black Adam has a favorable advantage when coming to one-on-one with the Man of Steel.
These two have battled several times in the comics, and Superman had to deal with Black Adam Superman/Shazam!: The Return of Black Adam alone before Billy Batson was transformed into 'Captain Marvel,' his original heroic personality. But will Superman and Black Adam face-off each other in the DCEU? Right now, nothing so definite is written in the books.
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Three years back, Dwayne Johnson prodded Black Adam would eventually fight Superman, and last year, Henry Cavill said there was “definitely some kind of work towards that.” As of now, however, there are no plans for Cavill to reprise Superman in the near future, if at all, so one shouldn’t get their hopes up about him crossing paths with Black Adam in a cinematic adaptation.

For the time being, Black Adam is set to lead his own movie, which will be scribed by Undateable’s Adam Sztykiel and 'Jungle Cruise’s' Jaume Collett-Serra is set to direct. According to Johnson, production will start at some point next year.
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And then there’s the Shazam all things considered. He and Black Adam have been feuding off in the comics for decades, and while it appears likely that in the end, they’ll clash in the DCEU, there’s no set time on when that will happen. 'Doctor Sivana' was 'Billy Batson’s' first rival in the franchise, and the end of ‘Shazam!’ hinted Sivana will team up with 'Mr. Mind' in 'Shazam! 2'.