About Time! Alabama State Passes Bill Which Will Require Sex Offenders to Undergo Chemical Castration

Sex offenders would require to undergo chemical castration, maintains an Alabama state bill which was recently passed.
Activists have on multiple occasions urged that child sex offenders must be subjected to a more effective and intense punishment compared to the one that is currently in effect. Now, a new bill has been passed that sure addresses the issue.
Alabama's state legislature recently forwarded a bill for Gov. Kay Ivey to sign, which entails that convicted child sex offenders are required to undergo chemical castration before earning their release from prison.

Alabama recently passed a bill against sex offenders.
The legislation titled the House Bill 379, maintains that sexual offenders convicted for sexual assault involving anyone under the age of 13 would be “required to undergo chemical castration treatment in addition to any other penalty or condition prescribed by law.”
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Over the Weekend, the groundbreaking law made it to Ivey’s desk read that it would also require the criminal to foot the bill for the procedure. However, it also states that the bill would “prohibit a person from being denied parole because of indigency.”
The legislation also states,
“This bill would also provide that if a person is ordered to undergo chemical castration treatment as a condition of parole and the person refuses to undergo the treatment, his or her refusal would constitute a violation of parole and 6 would result in the person being remanded to the custody of the Department of Corrections,”
The official representative for Alabama state, Steve Hurst let the local station in on the fact that the bill “would deter something like this happening again in Alabama and maybe reduce the numbers” if the bill would end up becoming law.
Watch: Alabama lawmakers pass a bill aimed to chemically castrate sex offenders
Hurst maintained he had people call him in the past when the bill was first put forward as people said 'don't you think this is inhumane?'
He further added,
“I asked them what's more inhumane than when you take a little infant child, and you sexually molest that infant child when the child cannot defend themselves or get away, and they have to go through all the things they have to go through. If you want to talk about inhumane--that's inhumane.”
The representative also expressed that the child offender ends up getting the child scarred for life and the punishment must fit the crime.
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If the bill is signed by Ivey, to come into effect it would require to wait for the “first day of the third month following its passage and approval by the governor, or its otherwise becoming law.”
This bill is taken quite positively by the general public and politicians alike.