Who is Paula Abdul's Husband in 2021? Learn all About Her Married Life Here

Paula Abdul's Husband And Her Married Life: Everything There's To Know About Her Personal And Romantic Life!
People recall her as a judge to many singing and dancing competition television series like American Idol, X-Factor, So you think you can dance, Live to Dance, etc. But she is a celebrity known beyond her bits as a judge to these shows.
The talented performer is also known for her controversial personal life and a few wrong encounters with the law. Continue reading to learn about Abdul's short-lived married life and more.
Who Is Paula Abdul's Husband?
The Grammy-winning singer had two failed marriages in a decade. Paula and her first husband, writer-director Emilio Estevez, made for the most attractive coimes.
Photo Source: Closer Weekly
The duo was loved for their coordinating chemistry. Paula and her ex-husband wedded in a private ceremony at the Santa Monica courthouse in April 1992. Sadly, things for the formerly married couple failed, and Emilio finalized his divorce with Adbul in 1994.
Just a year after her divorce, Patiedties the knot with clothing designer Brad Beckerman in 1996. Paula and her second ex-husband stayed married for only 17 months. As such, the multi-talented woman failed two marriages before the turn of a decade. Beckerman and his ex-wife filed for divorce in 1998. Their union was titled married for a moment in the 1990s.
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Since her second failed marriage, the American Idol judge battled severe health issues. Simultaneously, Abdul has been involved with several A-listers. Now let's have a peek at Paula's relationship below.
Did Paula Abdul Date Keanu Reeves?
After becoming a renowned star in her field, Paula Abdul had the influence to hire the "nicest guy," Keanu Reeves. The John Wick actor was featured in her music video Rush Rush. Rumors soon surfaced about their romance after Reeves played a part in her video. Addressing the rumor, Paula said she wished Keanu was her boyfriend.
Photo Source: NME
A crush to men and women alike, Paula's fans couldn't contain their happiness when her name was linked to Janet Jackson and Lorraine Bracco back in the day. Although Paula herself never confirmed the news, it is still believed that Paula is sexually promiscuous.
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Paula's long list of ex-lovers includes stars like Jeff Bratton, Dante Spenser, Colton Melby, John Stamos, Simon Cowell, and a few more.
Paula Abdul's Relationship history!
Paula Abdul, now 58 years old, is thriving and kicking, apparently. Since her comeback in 2016 after her two-decade of long hiatus, Paula has performed a total of 72 shows parted in two tours.

Photo Source: Instagram (paulaabdul)
In 2019, she announced her first Las Vegas residency and opened LA pride in support of the LGBTQ community the same year. Abdul is set to return as a guest judge in "American Idol" in 2021.
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Along with a great career revival, Paula hasn't missed out on dating either. Abdul prefers to remain elusive and keep her relationships away from the media. But Paula previously also did date the successful restaurateur and hospitality mogul JT Torregiani in 2007.
Not to mention, Paula was also eager to become a mother of more than one child. However, that dream of parenthood couldn't come true as Paula and JT split in 2008 after dating for more than a year.
Short Bio on Paule Abdul!
Born Paula Julie Abdul on June 19, 1962, in San Fernando, California, she was raised in a Jewish household. Paula is a veteran American dancer, singer, actress, choreographer, and television personality.

Photo Source: Instagram (paulaabdul)
Abdul's debut studio album "Forever your girl" was the most successful debut album in history, ranking number 1 on Billboard 200 chart.
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